India arrests Indian Mujahideen terror suspect—CNN

(08-29-13) 130829094714-yashin-bhatkal-india-story-topIndian intelligence agencies have arrested Yasin Bhatkal, one of the country’s most wanted terrorism suspects, Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde said Thursday. Bhatkal is believed to be a co-founder of the Indian Mujahideen, a militant group banned in India and listed by the United States as a foreign terrorist organization. Intelligence officials arrested him Wednesday in the eastern state of Bihar, near India’s border with Nepal, Shinde said.  Read more at CNN:

Attack on Syria may trigger terrorists acts against U.S., Israel—WashTimes

israel_6191_20121115_s640x427(08-28-13) “With the White House closer to launching a surgical military strike on Syria, questions swirl over the extent to which such an attack could trigger a wave of terrorism directed at the U.S. and Israel. Some analysts say that Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed Lebanese militia fighting in support of embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad, likely would be inspired to ramp up operations in Iran’s “shadow war” with the U.S. and its allies.” Read more: