U.S. defends capture of al-Libi in Libya—CBS

131005-Anas_al-LibiU.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday defended the capture of a terrorism suspect by American Special Forces in Libya, saying complaints about the operation from Libya and others are unfounded. Kerry said the weekend seizure in Tripoli of suspected al Qaeda operative Nazih Abdul-Hamed al-Ruqai — known by his alias, Abu Anas al-Libi — complied with U.S. law. He said the suspect was a “legal and appropriate target” for the U.S. military and will face justice in a court of law. Kerry added it was important not to “sympathize” with wanted terrorists. CBS News correspondent David Martin reports al-Libi is being held on a Navy ship in the Mediterranean Sea where he will be interrogated about his many years as a leading member of al Qaeda, before being sent to New York for criminal prosecution. Read more here.

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