Egypt Joins the International Fight Against the Islamic State


The Islamic State has certainly proven to be a thorn in the side of the world and is adding more countries every day to the list of those who wish to see them eliminated. Egypt has joined the ever-growing consortium of countries that are seeking to destroy the Islamic State. The Islamic State, or IS, is the first major group to form a caliphate since the end of the Ottoman Empire. IS has committed many atrocities but recently irked Egypt in the killing of 21 Coptic Christians and a declaration that they would “conquer Rome“.


In response to these actions, the Egyptian Government conducted massive airstrikes on IS positions in Libya. These attacks were met with support from the international community and fully cemented Egyptian support in the war against IS. Egypt has even taken their commitment one step further; yesterday Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi asked for international intervention in Libya. El-Sisi was quoted as saying “We need to do it again, and all of us together” as well as saying that the United Nations has “no other choice” but to form a coalition of member states to fight IS. President el-Sisi’s calls are not unlike the calls made by the United States against Iraq during the first and second Gulf Wars.


This was not the first time Egypt has spoke out against IS either. Recently, President el-Sisi vowed that Egypt would “give away any support in the fight against ISIS”. Anti-IS rhetoric is even coming from the religious sects of Egypt, with the top Muslim cleric in Egypt saying that ISIS “poses a danger to Islam and Muslims”.

With each passing day more and more countries join the growing international coalition against the Islamic State. While IS does continue to expand, one can only wonder how long such a group can survive as it seems the vast majority of the world is lining up to stop them.

Alfred, Charlotte. “El-Sissi: Egypt Will Give Any Support Required In Fight Against ISIS.” The Huffington Post. September 20, 2014. Accessed March 2, 2015.

Beck, John. “‘We Need to Do It Again, and All of Us Together’: Egypt Calls for International Action on the Islamic State | VICE News.” VICE News RSS. February 17, 2015. Accessed March 2, 2015.

Gryboski, Michael. “Egypt’s Top Muslim Cleric Declares ISIS ‘a Danger to Islam'” Christian Post. August 13, 2014. Accessed March 2, 2015.

Hoffman, Meredith. “Islamic State Threatens to ‘Conquer Rome’ in Gruesome Video That Shows 21 Beheadings | VICE News.” VICE News RSS. February 15, 2015. Accessed March 2, 2015.

Mailonline, Henry. “As US Tears Itself Apart over Torture of Terrorists, Let’s Just Remember Who We’re up Against: ISIS Throws Man off Roof to His Death for Being Gay – and Strings up ‘rapists’ in the Streets.” Mail Online. December 10, 2014. Accessed March 2, 2015.

Malsin, Jared. “Libya and Egypt Launch Air Strikes against Isis after Militants Post Beheadings Video.” The Guardian. February 16, 2015. Accessed March 2, 2015.

McElroy, Damien. “Rome Will Be Conquered Next, Says Leader of ‘Islamic State'” The Telegraph. July 1, 2014. Accessed March 2, 2015. Top of Form

Mortada, Radwan. “What Does ISIS’ Declaration of a Caliphate Mean?” Al Akhbar English. June 30, 2014. Accessed March 2, 2015.

Actions taken by ISIS will have long lasting implications for Japan

For Japan, the potential long-term implications of the beheading of two Japanese citizens by ISIS are tremendous. Article 9 of the Japanese constitution renounces war and prohibits them from maintaining any kind of war potential, although it does allow them to maintain a self-defense force. As a result of this, Japan’s help in combating terrorism has nearly entirely been through financial aid. Shinzo Abe, Japan’s Prime Minister, recently traveled to the Middle East and pledged $200 million in humanitarian aid to help combat the efforts of ISIS. japan-article-9-graphic   In response to his pledge, ISIS demanded $200 million from Japan in exchange for their two hostages. When Japan refused to pay the sum, ISIS beheaded the two Japanese citizens, Kenji Goto and Haruna Yukawa. These beheadings have taken place at a very crucial time for Japan because the ruling party, the Liberal Democratic Party, under the leadership of Shinzo Abe has been attempting to amend Article 9 of the constitution to allow for a broader interpretation of what it means. pols 378 image 1 The beheadings place Japan in the position where the people will need to decide if they want to amend their constitution and play more of a role militarily or if they are going to withdraw from having as much of a role in the international realm. There are those that argue it was Abe’s initial pledge that caused Japan to become a target of ISIS in the first place. It is clear that Abe will push towards amending the constitution, since that has been his agenda all along. What remains to be seen is whether or not the recent beheadings will sway the people to finally side with Abe on whether or not Japan should remilitarize. Either way, the actions taken by ISIS will have long lasting implications for Japan’s future.

Almasy, Steve, and Holly Yan. “Japan: ‘We Will Never, Never Forgive’ ISIS for Apparent Beheading.” CNN. N.p., 3 Feb. 2015. Web. 4 Mar. 2015.

Chellaney, Brahma. “It’s Time for Japan to Amend Its Postwar ‘peace Constitution.’” The Daily Star. N.p., 14 Feb. 2015. Web. 4 Mar. 2015.

“Japan: Article 9 of the Constitution | Law Library of Congress.” Library of Congress. N.p., 2006. Web. 4 Mar. 2015.

“Japan PM Shinzo Abe Pledges $2.5bn in Middle East Aid.” BBC News. N.p., 17 Jan. 2015. Web. 4 Mar. 2015.

Keating, Joshua. “After the Killing of Kenji Goto, Will ISIS Push Japan to Give Up on Pacifism and Go to War?” Slate. N.p., 2 Feb. 2015. Web. 4 Mar. 2015.

Sim, Shaun. “Japan ISIS Beheading Update: Anti-Terrorism Resolution To Increase Non-Military Aid Unanimously Passed By Japanese Lawmakers.” International Business Times. N.p., 5 Feb. 2015. Web. 4 Mar. 2015.

—. “Japan ISIS Hostage Situation Intended To ‘Humiliate’ Over PM Abe’s Anti-Terrorism Pledges.” International Business Times. N.p., 13 Feb. 2015. Web. 4 Mar. 2015.

From old-school gambling to drug cartels and the Web, organized crime has entrenched grip on Texas


Immediately when one hears the term organized crime they imagine the Mafia gangsters depicted from the 20th century. However there are still organized crime activity in the modern age and because of recent incidents in Texas it has open the door to the various forms of criminal activity. Ross Ulbricht lived in Austin, and formerly attended the university of Texas in Dallas. He is currently on trial in New York for being behind the drug market online known as Silk RoadProsecutors say, “he was a power hungry kingpin who used threats of violence and murder to protect his drug empire on the Internet.”The Department of Justice has him falling under the characterization of a drug cartel. The article explains that he is being convicted of creating an opportunity for underground drug dealers to reach around the world that they would never find on the street. It eludes to the progress of illegal activity of organized crime and the role of technology.


The advancement in social media and access to the Internet allows for individuals to not only sell on their home streets but worldwide. Because of this incident it has caused for further investigation of criminal activity more then usual, both locally and nationally. Another man is mentioned in the article of a Blake Benthal also a Texan but operating in San Francisco. He is being charged with drug trafficking, conspiracy, and money laundering. All of which lead the public to remember the illegal activity done by the famous mobsters, with who are also mentioned in the article. In spite of the events Texas decided to research the famous Texas and national mobsters(Sam Macro, and John Gotti) to compare the then and now of organized crime. Lastly it mentions the shooting of a rival of Ulbricht, a man named Phil Liase. He was to open a near by strip club before he was murdered. There is some room for discussion on whether that was connected to the organized crime, but no one is speaking. The article puts forth the notion that crime groups have evolved with time from gambling to the cartel and it is not going anywhere anytime soon. The University of Houston Downtown’s Karson, explains that “ organized crime is not a couple of kids taking a couple of cars for a joyride, but a couple of dozen people ripping off cars to ship overseas. It’s a group effort.”

Indonesia and the Philippines: A Coalition to Combat Drug Smuggling

East Asia Sea

East Asian Sea

A Filipina woman was convicted of drug smuggling in Indonesia; this catalyst influenced an agreement between Indonesia and the Philippines regarding drug trafficking. The islands of Indonesia and the Phillippines are a host for many drug smuggling activities. Now, the two are planning on working together to share intelligence to combat the drug trafficking.

Indonesian President, Joko Widodo, and Philippine President, Benigno Aquino, agreed to have both anti-narcotics agencies collaborate regarding all information pertinent to drug-trafficking: methods, new and improved illegal drugs, as well as routes smugglers use.

Indonesian President, Joko Widodo, and Philippine President, Benigno Aquino

Indonesian President, Joko Widodo, and Philippine President, Benigno Aquino

Recently, the Indonesian government executed six convicted drug smugglers, and the list keeps growing. This caused tension between the two countries as many of the executed smugglers were foreigners. The Philippine Vice-President, Jejomar Binay, addressed the public’s concerns regarding Indonesian adjudication over convicted Filipinos, “[the Philippines] has taken the proper legal steps in accordance with Indonesian laws,” and “…[we] will extend all needed assistance to our [countrymen].”

The islands on the South China Sea are not only facing the “drug menace”, but there have also been tensions between China and other states; namely, China has built island fortresses along its territories, which has alarmed the Philippines enough to sue Beijing at an international court.

Resolving border issues with Indonesia may help the Philippines to resolve its territories with China in the future, as Indonesia has been a key player in smoothing over East Asian relations.

The fight to rid both countries of illegal drugs has not been an easy one; both Joko and Aquino’s administration face backlash from corruption scandals. The former concerns a police chief whose reputation is in question with Indonesia’s corruption watchdog behind the accusations. The latter questions Aquino himself, who is facing criticism over a failed police raid to capture Zulkifli Hir, a Malaysian terrorist.

Sources (in order of appearance):

  1. Barcelo, Vito. “Drug Mule Reprieved from Death.” Manila Standard Today, 4 Feb. 2015.
  2. “PDEA Forges Pact with Indonesian Counterpart to Step up Fight vs Illegal Drugs.” TV 5, 9 Feb. 2015.
  3. Dancel, Raul. “Indonesia, Philippines Ink Deal to Fight Drugs.” Asia News Network. Asia News Network, 10 Feb. 2015.
  4. Roughneen, Simon. “Outcry after Indonesia Executes 6 for Drugtrafficking.”LA Times: World. Los Angeles Times, 18 Jan. 2015.
  5. “Manila ‘taking Sea Row to Court'” BBC News, 22 Jan. 2015. Web. 04 Mar. 2015.
  6. Thayer, Carlyle A. “ASEAN’S Code of Conduct in the South China Sea: A Litmus Test for Community-Building?” The Asia-Pacific Journal.”The Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 2012.
  7. Dancel, Raul. “Indonesia, Philippines Ink Deal to Fight Drugs.” Asia News Network. Asia News Network, 10 Feb. 2015.

FARC’s Trending Invitation


The job description of a newly-crowned beauty queen usually involves TV interviews, visiting charity functions, and making speeches at various events. However, Paulina Vega, i.e. Miss Universe has been presented with an unprecedented offer: to attend peace talks between the government of her native Colombia and the country’s leftist FARC rebels. Vega has mentioned in the past that she is willing to attend negotiations, so FARC is taking her up on the offer. The rebels have stated that they would give due respect to the beauty queen’s concerns and ideas concerning a peace agreement with the government. The organization’s website read, “We have read with interest about your desire to contribute your services to achieve peace and reconciliation between Colombians”. Attempted peace talks in the past have been delayed for various reasons and the true motivation behind this invitation remains mysterious.


Negotiations between the government and the group have been ongoing since 2012 in Havana, Cuba and agreement points so far include land reform, an end to the illegal drug trade, and political participation for ex-guerillas.


FARC has been responsible for numerous kidnappings and bombings in the past 50 years and has added drug trafficking to its list of occupations. The organization is considered a terrorist organization according to both the US and the EU and it makes an estimated $500 million per year from illicit trade. Vega’s response to the invitation will undoubtedly be closely followed by the governments of several countries, including the United States.


“The Guerrilla Groups in Colombia.” RSS. UN Regional Information Center, n.d. Web. Feb. 2015.

Westcott, Lucy. “Miss Universe Responds to FARC’s Invitation to Havana Peace Talks.” Newsweek. N.p., 9 Feb. 2015. Web. Feb. 2015.

U.N. court: Serbs’ actions in Croatia not considered genocide

sebr-croat genocidegenocide-in-croatia

During the early 1990s, Serbian troops committed violent and heinous crimes against ethnic Croatians as the country split from the former Yugoslavia. The violence started when Serbian forces entered into Croatia to defend the ethnic Serbs, who were attempting to create their own sovereign states there. Extreme violence occurred between 1991 and 1995; however the International Court of Justice was unable to confirm whether the intent of Serbian forces was to specifically harm ethnic Croatians. In addition to the mass killings, Serbia inflicted torture, ill treatment, sexual abuse and rape as well as deprivation of food and medical care that resulted in a death toll over 20,000. The ICJ acknowledged that Serbia created “a climate of coercion and terror” resulting in a Croat exodus from the region (about 200,000 abandoned Croatia). However, in order for this act to be considered Genocide, there had to have been proof that the Serbians went in aspiring to extinguish a specific group of people. This definition was established at the Genocide Convention, which was created in 1948.

The ICJ ruling is significant because it means that Croatia will not receive restitution from Serbia. Though perhaps most significantly, the dramatic 16-year saga that has strained Serbian-Croat relations has finally come to an end. Whether the two nations accept the ruling long term is yet to be seen, but improvements in foreign relations are certainly a possibility. Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic expressed optimism for “a period of lasting peace and prosperity” in the area. Though not pleased, Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic held: “We are not satisfied with the court’s ruling but we accept it in a civilised manner.” The legitimacy of the International Court of Justice has potential to improve foreign relations across the world. However, there will need to be an added effort from the world’s hegemons in order for this to become a reality.

Boko Haram Attacks Nigeria City Maiduguri Twice In One Week

Smoke is seen after an suicide bomb explosion in Gombe, a day ahead of Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan's visit to the state for an election campaign rally

On Sunday January 25 hundreds of Boko Haram gunmen attacked the city of Maiduguri and Monguno. Monguno is located 135 km away from Maiduguri and has a population of 100,000. On the other hand Maiduguri is the Capital of the Borno State and has a population of 2,000,000. The attack began at dawn and lasted for hours the Nigerian army and vigilantes where able to prevent Boko Haram from entering Maiduguri. However, this was not the case for Monguno. According to an anonymous officer the Nigerians soldiers in the beginning where pushing back the terrorists until they mobilized more troops and started to overwhelm the Nigerian Army. Ultimately the army was forced to retreat leaving the city to the mercy of Boko Haram. Now that the city of Monguno has fallen it has made it easier for Boko Haram to attack Maiduguri. Monguno with its huge military barracks had served as a buffer to prevent Boko Haram from advancing towards Maiduguri. In fact in just a week’s span Boko Haram on February 1 attacked the city of Maiduguri again. This time several thousand Boko Haram fighters arrived at dawn in armored vehicles, tanks, motorbikes. Both sides used heavy artillery during the fight this was the first time either side used heavy mortars.  From the very beginning Boko Haram encountered considerable resistance from the vigilantes and hunters in the city. As soon as they entered the city they engaged in an all-out battle with hundreds of local hunters and vigilantes, armed with muskets and machetes. Soon afterwards the Nigerian Army joined the fight. By noon hundreds of Boko Haram fighters laid dead in the streets. Some angered residents even filmed themselves mutilating the fighters’ bodies. Eventually the Vigilantes, Hunters and Nigerian Army forced the retreat of the Boko Haram Fighters.Map
