The hunt for a Colombian drug lord

An orthopedic mattress, cologne, widescreen TVs — these are some of the items found in a straw hut which recently housed the most wanted drug lord in Colombia. Established in Uraba, an impoverished but also strategic region in Northern Colombia with access to Pacific maritime smuggling routes, Dario Atonio Usuga David, also known as “Otoniel” by the natives of Uraba whom fear him, is the leader of the “Los Urabenos.”

This heavily armed, extremely violent criminal organization, responsible for drug trafficking,kidnapping, extortion and murder is the focus of Colombian police forces, calling their offensive on Otoniel the “Taking of Uraba.”  President Juan Manuel Santos has sent twenty black hawk helicopters, 1,200 police and military officers to Uraba, proclaiming, “Do not leave Uraba until you have caught Otoniel and have dismantled the whole clan.” 

heli  otoniel-1024x576

Raids have come close, finding Otoniel’s favorite hand lotions, clothing brands and personalized cologne in abandoned huts all over the region. However, Otoniel has been using guerrilla tactics like never using a cell phone or sleeping two nights in the same place to evade the police.  Recently, Colombian forces are using a dog, nicknamed “Oto” formerly owned by the drug lord himself, to help with the hunt and has been retrained to track his scent. Not all efforts have been futile though; since 2009, 6,700 members of the Urabenos have been arrested, 2,282 weapons seized, 55 tons of drugs and $26.2 million reclaimed, according to the Colombian investigative paper, In Sight Crime. However, police forces have been unsuccessful to detain this elusive drug lord, even with the US Department of State issuing a reward up to $5 million for any information leading his arrest. However, this great push towards capturing this highly dangerous man who has struck fear in all the people around him begs the question, will his capture truly lead to the dismantling of his entire clan?



“Capture Alias “Otoniel” Is the Main Objective of the “Massive Shot of Uraba”.” El Colombiano. N.p., 20 Feb. 2015. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

Cosoy, Natalie. “Colombia’s Hunt for Elusive Drug Lord Otoniel.” BBC World News. N.p., 24 Mar. 2015. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

“El Pero Espia.” Semana. N.p., 14 Mar. 2015. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

Lohmuller, Michael. “Colombia Intensifies Search for Urabeños Leader.” Colombia Intensifies Search for Urabeños Leader. N.p., 16 Mar. 2015. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

“Narcotics Rewards Program: Dario Antonio Usuga David.” U.S. Department of State. U.S. Department of State, n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

ISIS claims Tunisia Attack


ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack on the national museum that occurred on Wednesday March 18, 2015. The attack killed 23 people: 18 foreign tourists, and five tunisians, including two out of the three attackers. The three aggressors stormed the area around the museum wearing military uniforms and proceeded to chase a group of tourist into the Bardo museum before killing them.


In an audio statement posted on Thursday, March 18,2015, ISIS claimed to have its men use  “automatic weapons and hard grenades” to kill and injure what it called “crusaders and apostates” in the Bardo Museum. The massacre of tourists, as ISIS warned in their message message, is “just the start.”


Since the attack and the released statement, Tunisian authorities have arrested more than 20 suspected militants in a nationwide security crackdown. Prime Minister Habib Essid has also identified the two attackers who were shot and killed by police authorities responding to the attack. According to New York Times, Yassine Labidi and Saber Khachnaoui, both in their 20’s and Tunisians, had trained in Libya prior to the shooting. The third unidentified attacker is still on the run.

The attack on the Bardo Museum has been the first mass attack on the civilians in Tunisia since the killing in the Ghriba Synagogue on the island of Jerba on April 11, 2002. Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for this attack. Tunisians were a major source of recruits for Al Qaeda in Iraq, and by the looks of the Bardo Museum attack, they have continued to travel abroad to join ISIS.


Sources Used:

Botelho, Greg, and Jethro Mullen. “Tunisia PM: One Museum Attack Suspect Was Known to Security Services –” CNN. Cable News Network, 19 Mar. 2015. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.

“ISIL Claims Responsibility for Tunisia Museum Attack | Al Jazeera America.” ISIL Claims Responsibility for Tunisia Attack. Aljazeera America, 19 Mar. 2015. Web. 22 Mar. 2015.

“Militants, ISIS Included, Claim Tunisia Museum Attack.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 19 Mar. 2015. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.

Murphy, Dan. “In Museum Attack, Tunisia Sees Libya’s Instability Cross the Border ( Video).” The Christian Science Monitor. The Christian Science Monitor, 20 Mar. 2015. Web. 22 Mar. 2015.

“Tunisian President Says Hunt on for Third Man in Museum Attack.” Fox News. FOX News Network, 22 Mar. 2015. Web. 22 Mar. 2015.


ISIS’ Alarming Worldwide Expansion

tctThe threat of ISIS became a focus of international counter-terror missions with the fall of Mosul, Iraq to the hands of the organization in 2014 ( On Friday, March 20th, ISIS revealed their responsibility for Yemen’s deadly terror attack: a twin suicide bombing in two Shia mosques, killing 137 people, and wounding 280 more. ( ISIS’ has taken advantage of Yemen’s civil war by expanding its influence within the region. The organization is growing at an alarming rate, it has joined forces with Boko Haram, and stretched its influence to Libya, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.

Previous to ISIS’ claims of the Yemen attack the bombing was thought to have been the work of Al Qaeda, but the organization denied involvement. Experts claim that this attack illuminated ISIS’ growing presence in Yemen is much more extensive that previously predicted. Yemen is one of many nations to recently fall under ISIS’ influence.

ISIS attacks and expansions are becoming a direct threat to the western world, especially Europe. On Wednesday, March 18th, 23 tourists were killed in the bombing at the Bardo Museum in Tunisia, just 30 miles from the coast of an Italian island. This is alarming to European governments, especially since over 3000 Europeans have joined with ISIS and traveled to fight in Iraq and Syria. ISIS recently recruited 11 medical students, some from Britain, Canada, and the US, to work in ISIS controlled hospitals in Syria.

Yemen Mosque bombing

ISIS’ threatening growth is bringing international leaders to begin planning on organizing to counter the growth of the organization. NATO has not yet formally countered ISIS, but Security General, Jens Stoltenberg, plans to address ISIS’ threat at a meeting with the Canadian Prime minister this Monday, March 23rd. ( The US is currently training security forces in Iraq, and fear in Europe is rising. ISIS has recently been accused of hacking US government databases, with investigations ongoing in the Pentagon ( Manuel Valls, the prime minister of France stated this Thursday that “Europe is facing the greatest terror threat in its history…the problem is not if there will be another attempted attack in France and Europe, but to know when and where” (

ISIS is taking advantage of nations in crisis, expanding and recruiting worldwide.The most powerful ISIS alliances lie in Nigeria, Egypt, and Libya, where ISIS is taking advantage of internal conflicts, and merging with local terrorist organizations.

Works Cited

  1. “‘Brainwashed’ Foreign Medical Students Went to Syria, Lawmaker Says –” CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.
  2. “‘IS Online Threat’ to US Military.” BBC News. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2015.
  3. “The ISIS Chronicles: A History.” The National Interest. N.p., 17 July 2014. Web. 19 Mar. 2015.
  4. “ISIS’ Explosive Expansion –” CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2015.
  5. “Yemen’s Civil War Forges Unholy Alliance Between Al-Qaeda and ISIS.” The Fiscal Times. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.

Transnational Crime’s Impact in Ukraine

A dramatic rise in cybercrime and organized crime are the result of corruption in Ukraine’s financial institutions. On a corruption index by Transparency International, Ukraine ranks 142nd out of 175. This level of corruption allows transnational organized crime to deeply root itself within all facets of a country and in the case of Ukraine, its financial institutions. Highly skilled Russian hackers are taking advantage of the freedom of access they are permitted due to the corruption and levels of cybercrime have skyrocketed. The US State Department has identified this issue that has severely impacted Ukraine’s security in its financial institutions and has offered a strategy to combat money laundering and financial crimes in its International Narcotics Control Strategy Report.

CPI2014-map-and-country-resultsAccording to an article by Natalia Zinets on Reuters, this financial crisis in Ukraine has become so severe that the people’s distrust in their government has reverted them back to the times immediately after the Soviet Union collapse where people “kept dollars in socks” rather than banks or institutions. Ukraine’s sprint to financial collapse is evident by their plunging currency and has created intense uncertainty among business leaders in their hopes for Ukraine’s survival amidst raging tensions between government forces and Russian-backed separatists.1018836279

As Ukrainians take arms against separatists, they are being harassed by debt collectors. The dire circumstances that Ukraine and its people are in are largely due to corruption, a major facilitator to transnational organized crime. Further complicating things, the crisis in Eastern Ukraine presses the nail deeper in the coffin that the consequences of permitting transnational organized crime within Ukraine has constructed.index

Zinets, Natalia. “Echoes of the 1990s in Ukraine as financial crisis bites”. Reuters. February 8, 2015. Web. Accessed March 20, 2015.

U.S. State Department. “International Narcotics Control Strategy Report: Volume II, Money Laundering and Financial Crimes”. March 2014. Web. Accessed March 20, 2015.

Libya’s Request to Trade Arms: The Illicit aid to Terrorists

The illicit trade of weapons, fuel and ammunition across the borders from Libya to Algeria and Tunisia since 2011 has created an immense conflict for the United Nations and the International community. According to Al Arabiya News, since the death of Ghaddafi in 2011, Libya’s Prime Minister, Abdullah al-Thinni has been waging a war with the rival armed factions.

libyan-rebels-involved-in-illicit-arms-trade-aThis has resulted in the Islamic State and Ansar-al Sharia to utilize Libya as an OPEC member and have a foothold in the region. According to the NY Times, “Libya has been essentially lawless for 4 years.” In 2011, UN Security Council placed an arms embargo upon the Libyan government to stop ay weapons from ending up in the hands of Ghaddafi supporters.

The recent development is that Libya has asked the UN Security Council to end the embargo and allow for weapons trade. Fox news points out that Libya is making this request after the Islamic State beheaded twenty one Coptic Egyptian Christians and that this deal request simply will not be granted. There is too much concern from countries like the United States that the arms will end up in the hands of terrorists- a threat that cannot manifest. In 2013, Belarus exported 3,000 tons of ammunition to Libya that ended up being distributed to various autonomous groups. Furthermore, in March of last year, 23 assault rifles, 70 handguns, and thousands of tons of ammunition simply went missing at the Tripoli Airport. (Ny times).

The future outcome of this proposal looks improbable. According to ABC, eight member states of the UN Security Council have already put a hold on Libya’s request for a dozen fighter jets, tanks and weapons under the rationale that these materials simply cannot and will not fall into the wrong hands. A UN report stated that Libya needs a maritime force to be able to control the weapons trade in the country.

On Monday, Tunisia seized weapons coming from Libya from a “weapons cache” fifteen kilometers outside of Ben Guerdane in the southeast region. The international dynamic will be interesting as it is determined the extent to which the illicit trade of weapons is considered a prohibition regime worthy of international support.


AFP. “Tunisia Seizes Arms Haul near Border with Libya.” N.p., 9 Mar. 2015. Web. 12 Mar. 2015.

“HOMEU.S. UN Diplomats Put Hold on Libya’s Request for Jets, Tanks.” ABCnews.go. N.p., 10 Mar. 2015. Web. 12 Mar. 2015.
Associated Press. “UN Report Calls for Tightening of Libya Arms Embargo.” N.p., 2 Mar. 2015. Web.

Nichols, Michelle. “U.N. Experts Concerned Libya Arms Could Be Diverted to Militias.” Http:// N.p., 7 Mar. 2015. Web. 12 Mar. 2015.

Reuters. “Libya Needs International Maritime Force to Help Stop Illicit Oil, Weapons: U.N. Experts.” New York Times. N.p., 26 Feb. 2015. Web. 12 Mar. 2015.

Corruption and Unrest in Coahuila


Following the disappearance of 43 students in Ayotzinapa last year, an event which sparked international media attention, Al-Jazeera staff member Ignacio Alvarado Alvarez began a three part investigation to address other massacres and disappearances that have escaped media attention. These disappearances take place in the northern region of Coahuila, an area near the US-Mexican border known for its violence. To date, there have been between 1,808 – 8,000 disappearances in Coahuila since 2009.

The first part of the series examines police and local government involvement with these disappearances. While protesters over the 43 students were outraged that the former mayor of Iguala, Jose Luis Abarca, allegedly ordered the police to abduct the students and turn them over to local drug cartels, this is not an uncommon practice. In Coahuila, up to 300 people have been disappeared by the drug cartels –namely the Zetas- in coordination with local police. In May 2012, 20 year-old Jose Wilibardo was kidnapped from his home by gunmen who were guarded by local police officials. He has not been found. The coordination of police ineffectiveness, and at times, involvement, creates a vacuum of fear in which the public cannot escape. Because people fear for their lives, investigations into these disappearances have come too little too late.

Additionally, the northern region of Mexico has the world’s fourth-largest reserves of shale gas and 95% of Mexico’s coal. Due to this economic incentive, recent studies have linked the regional violence to economic interest. In order to promote this economic interest, cartels have been working systematically with “authorities and law enforcement.” The violence has forced many people off land rich in natural resources under the guise of turf wars among cartels. The economic incentives address issues of corruption in an area where, according to former prosecutor Ariana Garcia Bosque, “violence in the state is controlled” and “a highly effective police force” protects not the people, but organized crime.

Works Cited:

Alvarez, Ignacio Alvarado. “Terror in Coahuila: Gas reserves beneath turf war in northern Mexico?” Al-Jazeera America, Al-Jazeera, 10 March 2015. Web. 10 March 2015.

Alvarez, Ignacio Alvarado. “Terror in Coahuila: Up to 300 disappeared in Mexico’s forgotten massacre.” Al-Jazeera America, Al-Jazeera, 9 March 2015. Web. 9 March 2015.

“Charges Filed Against Mayor in Kidnapping of 43 Students in Mexico,” Al-Jazeera America, Al-Jazeera, 14 January 2015. Web.  

Payan, Tony and Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera. ” Energy Reform and Security in Northeastern Mexico.” Issue Brief, Rice University’s Baker Institute. 6 May 2014. Web. 10 March 2015.

Piven, Ben and Nikhil Swaminathan. “Protests over missing students spread in Mexico.” Al-Jazeera America, Al-Jazeera, September 2014. Web. 10 March 2015


“It’s time to get serious about wildlife crime,” said the United Nations as the second World Wildlife Day was observed around the world this week.  World Wildlife Day was recognized by the UN General Assembly in 2013 to bring awareness to the issue of wildlife trafficking. The estimated $20 billion market for animals and animal parts spans the globe but is centered around southern Asia as well as Africa. Over 100,000 elephants have been killed for their ivory since 2012 as well as 1215 rhinos in the year 2014.   Not only is the killing of wildlife leading some animals to the brink of being endangered or extinct, it also presents ecological problems as well as problems that impact the people living in the region.  UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says that the illegal wildlife trade undermines rule of law, degrades ecosystems and hampers the efforts of rural communities striving to sustainably melephantanage their natural resources.  These are all issues that have a direct impact of the cultures and the people of the area.  It is for these reasons that this issue must be stopped.  The illegal organizations that run these operations are depriving these struggling countries with billion dollars for their economy and ruining their chances to grow and develop because they are being prohibited by this issue.

In February the United States introduced a detailed plan to target the traffickers and benefactors of this market by using American intelligence agencies.  The United States has become the second largest market for the illegal wildlife trade with millions of pounds of animal parts being sold within the United States every year.  The American government will also put increased pressure on Asian and African countries to control the market for these products such as rhino horns and elephant ivory within their borders.  Kenya responding to this burned 15 metric tons of ivory making a strong example of their stance on the issue and showing that they are going to be a leading nation in this fight.


The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species Secretary-General John Scanlon says the positive news is that work is happening to deal with this issue. He states that “more States are treating wildlife crime as a serious crime; targeted public awareness campaigns are well underway in all regions; and politicians at the highest levels and key opinion leaders are speaking out.”  This is what is needed in order for this problem to continue to decrease.

Works Cited
“It’s Time to Get Serious about Wildlife Crime: UN.” Zee News. N.p., 03 Mar. 2015. Web. 10 Mar. 2015.
“March 3rd is World Wildlife Day.” UNESCO World Heritage Centre –. N.p., 27 Feb. 2015. Web. 10 Mar. 2015.
Nixon, Ron. “Obama Administration Plans to Aggressively Target Wildlife Trafficking.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 11 Feb. 2015. Web. 10 Mar. 2015.
Samper, Dr. Cristián. “United Behind World Wildlife Day.” The Huffington Post., 3 Feb. 2015. Web. 10 Mar. 2015.
“World Wildlife Day: Organized Crime Threat Growing.” Environment News Service RSS. N.p., 4 Mar. 2015. Web. 10 Mar. 2015.

Boko Haram pledges allegiance to ISIS


The leader of Boko Haram, Abubakar Shekau, shown speaking with the flag of the Islamic State behind.

The Nigeria based terror group Boko Haram has pledged allegiance to the Islamic State according to an audio message from Boko Haram’s leader Abubakar Shekau released earlier in the day. The move did not surprise experts and has been stated as a win-win situation for both groups. In recent weeks, Boko Haram has began to release propaganda and media that is heavily influenced by the Middle Eastern terror group and their pledge is viewed as an act of desperations as the Boko Haram loses ground the a multinational military coalition in North-East Nigeria.

The alliance has not been publicly accepted by leaders of the Islamic State which experts believe may indicate bureaucratic drag within the Islamic State or their desire to distance themselves from Boko Haram. Racist sentiments against black Africans or disagreement with the the indiscriminate violence used by Boko Haram may prevent the Islamic state from accepting their pledge of allegiance. While both groups are known for their violent acts, which include beheading, the violence perpetrated by the Islamic State has a much greater political focus. US intelligence officials doubt that the two groups would get along very well. Regardless, experts state that Abubakar Shekau’s pledge of allegiance is “really a huge defeat for al Qaeda and huge coup for ISIS,” as Boko Haram was formally aligned with al Qaeda.

The potential alliance between the two groups may benefit both sides. Boko Haram stands to receive larger media coverage and experience using social media networks as a means to spread propaganda and recruit potential fighters. While weapons and materials may be difficult to exchange between the two groups due to the great geographic distance and barriers, finances might be more easily exchanged between the groups. Boko Haram may stand to gain increased financial support should an alliance between the two groups be formed. While the Islamic State stands to gain less, they still seek external affiliations and already have associations with groups from the Maghreb to the Philippines. The new alliance would project their influence into west Africa and allow them to reinforce the Islamic State as a growing international entity despite setbacks in Iraq and Syria. The Islamic State uses its narrative of expansion as a recruitment too to draw jihadis from western countries to join their ranks.

The would be alliance could potentially present new challenges to western law enforcement and intelligence agencies as they seek to stop the movement of western citizens to conflict areas to join the Islamic State. Boko Haram stands to gain a more effective recruitment apparatus aimed at foreign personnel and may provide another destination for potential jihadis as officials work to interdict the movement of western nationals to the ranks of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.


“Boko Haram Purportedly Pledges Allegiance to ISIS–” CNN. Cable News Network, 09 Mar. 2015. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.

“What Does Boko Haram’s Pledge of Allegiance to ISIS Really Mean.” NBC News. NBC, 09 Mar. 2015. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.

Leader of Zeta’s Captured

The leader of Mexico’s powerful and dangerous cartel, the Zetas, was captured this week in Monterrey, Mexico. Alejandro Trevino-Morales was taken in by “federal forces” and is currently being detained. Trevino-Morales, also known as Omar, has been the cartel’s leader since 2013, after his brother was arrested.

Omar is being held on murder and abduction charges, as well charges for helping smuggle millions of kilos of cocaine into the United States. The Mexican and American governments are offering millions of dollars ($5 million from the US and $2 million from Mexico) in reward money for capture of the cartel’s weapons. Shockingly, he was captured without any shots being fired.

The Zetas began as a group of Mexican Special Forces “deserters.” They started out as protectors for a former cartel, the Gulf Cartel, leader. Like many fragmented groups do, the Zeta’s grew in numbers and power and began to smuggle large amounts of cocaine across the border.

While this is a victory for Mexico’s president and government, as we know it is very easy for new leaders to rise to power.

Castillo, Eduardo. “Mexico Arrests Zetas Cartel Leader Omar Trevino Morales.” CTVNews. N.p., 04 Mar. 2015. Web. 04 Mar. 2015.

“Officials: Leader of Mexico’s Zetas Drug Cartel Captured.” Fox News. FOX News Network, 04 Mar. 2015. Web. 04 Mar. 2015.

“Reputed Boss of Zetas Drug Cartel Captured in Mexico –” CNN. Cable News Network, 04 Mar. 2015. Web. 04 Mar. 2015.


Leader of Zetas Arrested This Morning

Mexico Drug War Cartel Country

Today Mexican officials arrested Omar Trevino Morales, the reputed boss of the Zetas Cartel. Morales is better known as Z-42 in drug trafficking circles. Omar Trevino Morales was arrested near Monterrey, Mexico sometime this morning. Trevino Morales has been the head of the Zetas since 2013, when his brother Miguel Angel Trevino Morales (Z-40) was arrested. This week the Mexican government has captured two integral components tZ42o their respective crime organization; one being z-42 and the other being Servando Gomez of the Knights Templar drug organization.  This is a huge feat for Enrique Pena Nieto and the PRI, but backlash from both organizations is to be expected considering the inevitable power struggle that will take place.

The Mexican government offered a $2,000,000 USD award for the whereabout of Omar Trevino Morales in addition to the $5,000,000 USD that the U.S. State Department offered. The American interest in Z-42 lies in the fact that much of his organization’s business occurs north of the Mexican border. The Zetas, a fraction of their former selves, still conduct enough illicit business to be of concern to the governments of both the United States and Mexico. Some may argue that Z-42 brought attention to himself with the laundering of funds through the United States by way of purchasing race horses. Z-42’s brother, Jose Trevino Morales was arrested in 2012 for his part in the money laundering scheme.

Given that Z-42, Jose, and Miguel Angel are all incarcerated the Zetas are without a rightful heir to leadership. Internal strife will inevitably make the Zetas appear vulnerable. Given this fact, an inter-organizational dispute can and likely will take place. The Zetas hold a significant territorial claim and if they cannot settle internal leadership disputes their future may be grim. Smaller splinter groupmexican-drug-cartels-map-lgs may replace some activities of the Zetas which will be another complex issue for the Mexican government. Nieto and his new Attorney General, although seemingly successful now, will surely have their hands full with the backlash regarding this arrest.

Text Sources:

Alexander, Harriet. “Los Zetas Drugs Cartel Leader ‘Z-42’ Arrested in Mexico.” The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, 4 Mar. 2015. Web. 04 Mar. 2015.

Castillo, E.Eduardo. “Official: Mexico Arrests Zetas Leader Omar Trevino Morales.” US News. U.S.News & World Report, 4 Mar. 2015. Web. 04 Mar. 2015.

Costillo, Mariano. “Reputed Boss of Zetas Drug Cartel Captured in Mexico –” CNN. Cable News Network, 4 Mar. 2015. Web. 04 Mar. 2015.

Watson, Katy. “Leader of Mexico’s Zetas Cartel Held.” BBC News. BBC, 4 Mar. 2015. Web. 04 Mar. 2015.

“Mexico: Head Of Los Zetas Drug Cartel Arrested.” NBC News. NBC, 4 Mar. 2015. Web. 04 Mar. 2015.

Image Sources: