Attack outside an Anti-Islamic Cartoon Contest

On May 23, 2015 the American Freedom Defense Initiative, also known as the Stop Islamization of America group, organized an event at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas. The event, called the Muhammad Art Exhibit, consisted of a contest to find the best cartoon of the prophet Muhammad. The winner of the contest would receive a $10,000 prize. Organizers of the event said that the purpose was to promote freedom of expression.

Shortly after 7 p.m. two males pulled up to the front of the Curtis Culwell Center and opened fire at a Garland Independent School District security officer. The officer was shot in the ankle and recovered soon after. The police officers that had been on the scene shot back at the two gunmen and killed both. There was suspicion that the car contained a bomb so the building was evacuated and the bomb squad was called.


One gunman was identified as Elton Simpson who was the target of a terrorist investigation just a few years ago. In 2010, Mr. Simpson was sentenced to three years probation after lying to a federal agent about his plans to travel to Somalia. Although it had not been proven that his trip entailed terrorist activities, it was suspected by federal prosecutors that the purpose of his trip was to engage in violent jihad.

The location of Sunday’s event was purposely chosen by Pamela Geller, president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative and who also runs an anti-Islamic website. She chose this site because a Muslim group supposedly used the Center for a conference after the attack on the Charlie Hebdo office in January. Security was very tight at Sunday’s event and the mayor of Garland had acknowledged the concern over the contest. In recent days there has been a lot of commotion on Twitter over whether or not this event should take place. Many Muslims have considered drawings of the prophet offensive. Past incidents including Jyllands-Posten and the Charlie Hebdo attacks have proven that creating satirical cartoons have encouraged some Muslims to use violence in order to send a message.

Bever, Lindsey, and Brian Murphy. “Suspected Militant Sympathizer Linked to Shooting outside Muhammad Cartoon Event.” Washington Post. The Washington Post, 04 May 2015. Web. 04 May 2015. <;.

“Dallas Cartoon Attack: Suspected Gunmen’s ‘home Raided'” US and Canada. BBC News. 04 May 2015. <;.

McCormack, Simon. “Garland, Texas, Shooting Suspect Identified As Elton Simpson (UPDATED).” The Huffington Post. 04 May 2015. <;.

Perez-Pena, Richard, and Manny Fernandez. “Official Identifies One Suspect in Attack at Texas Anti-Islam Event.” The New York Times. The New York Times. 04 May 2015.

“Two Killed outside Anti-Islam Group’s Muhammad Cartoon Event in Texas | Al Jazeera America.” Al Jazeera America. Al Jazeera. 04 May 2015.

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