Will the civil war in Syria ever end in peace?

US Secretary of state John Kerry stated that Syrian president Bashar Alassad strategy might not end the civil war; he might actually makes it worse. President Bashar Alassad wants expand his area by controlling the northern city of Aleppo, which is under control by the Rebels. Aleppo are going through a stressful times especially because more than 250 people have been killed in the past 10 days.

_89503967_aleppo_control_29_04_16_624On Saturday, the UN special envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura said that Russia have been working with UN and US to include Aleppo in the “Regime of Calm”, which have covered Damascus and Latakia. Unfortunately, today a rebel rocket fire have hit a governmental controlled area of Aleppo killing almost 19 people and plus a hospital was hit killing three people and 17 people were wounded. This was a consequence of when the government forces send an air strike that hit a hospital in a rebel-held area killing 55 people.

Mr. Kerry is hopeful that the violence will end and peace can be restored and he actually warned President Assad that his actions might lead to more violence and might cause to a total destruction to the ceasefire and might lead to war again. If president Assad thinks that he can take Aleppo easily than he’s wrong and he will make the situation worse and as long he is the president then the Rebels won’t stop fighting.

President Bashar Alassad strategy is to gain control of the whole country again and Aleppo was part of his plan, which he stated on February. In addition, Russia and Syria have planned to target hospitals and other medical facility so they can have an easy way to invade the area with it’s ground forces. War might still continue because Russia stated on March that it would withdraw their army from Syria, but they remain in place. The specially want to control Aleppo because of it’s economic, military and symbolic importance to all parties. The UN Security Council Ban Ki moon is trying to pass a resolution, which demands the protection of hospital and other medical facilities, because there’s no justification for the attacks and it will lead to a humanitarian disaster.





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