Another Potential Victory for ISIS


Aimen Dean, a former member of al-Qaeda, now advises both public and private entities on terrorism. Having bounced from fighting in Bosnia to the US embassy bombing in Kenya, Dean understands the evolution of modern jihad. Disillusioned with the disregard for civilian casualties, he transformed into a counter-terrorism advisor. Dean recently sat down with Time and disgusted the UK and Continental Europe from the view point of ISIS. He is quoted saying, “the recent attacks in Brussels and Paris are also part of a strategy to destroy non-Islamic institutions and states and provoke conflict between Muslim and non-Muslims.” Essentially ISIS wants to create division in Europe and a current UK referendum may be only adding fuel to the fire. 

In the next coming months, the United Kingdom may vote, through referendum, to leave the European Union, something that could be very costly. The UK leaving the EU would be a huge loss to the community as the UK is an economic powerhouse. This would greatly cripple the institution and diminish a portion of its legitimacy. Dean thinks that ISIS  would take credit for being a catalyst for the split. Its influence and secrecy is rising tensions in Europe and this split would weaken the continent. 

Dean believes that if the UK leaves the EU it will be playing right into ISIS’s hand. They want to cripple Europe and create division so that they are more vulnerable for attack. Thus far, western attempts to combat ISIS have been ineffective. There is a fundamental issue at the grass roots level. Leaders can be killed, but there is just more and more “common” people joining because of the notoriety and success at dividing the west.