Dozens Killed in Terror Attack on Nairobi Mall—NYT

20130922_NAIROBI2_337-slide-1YI7-articleLargeMasked gunmen stormed into a crowded mall in Nairobi Saturday and shot dead at least 39 people and wounded more than 150 in one of the most chilling terrorist attacks in East Africa since Al Qaeda blew up 2 U.S. embassies in 1998. Parents hurled their bodies over their children, people jumped into ventilation shafts to save themselves, and shoppers huddled behind the mannequins of designer clothing stores as 2 squads of gunmen believed to be linked to a Somali terrorist group moved through the mall, shooting shoppers in the head. Hours later, the mall’s gleaming floors were smeared with blood as police dashed through the corpse-strewn corridors, trying to find the assailants. A standoff with the attackers, who were reported to be heavily armed and holding an unknown number of hostages, continued as the sun rose on Sunday. Read more here.