World’s smallest pony kidnapped—Mail Online

article-2420508-1BCF3760000005DC-520_634x457He was due to perform at the show with his owner but ‘equestrian artist’ Bartolo Messina was forced to alert police when he found the pony’s stall empty. Police are investigating the theory that the mafia may be involved and believe the thieves could be holding the pony for ransom. The tiny show-pony was in the central Italian town for the 47th edition of the National Horse Fair. Police said that the horse thieves snipped a wire fence surrounding the fairgrounds, grabbed the miniature pony and made off through a nearby tobacco field where a car was waiting to speed them away.  A spokesman for the Carabinieri in Citta di Castello said: ‘Investigations are continuing. We are not excluding any possibilities including that the perpetrators are part of a criminal organisation.’  Read more here.