Will the civil war in Syria ever end in peace?

US Secretary of state John Kerry stated that Syrian president Bashar Alassad strategy might not end the civil war; he might actually makes it worse. President Bashar Alassad wants expand his area by controlling the northern city of Aleppo, which is under control by the Rebels. Aleppo are going through a stressful times especially because more than 250 people have been killed in the past 10 days.

_89503967_aleppo_control_29_04_16_624On Saturday, the UN special envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura said that Russia have been working with UN and US to include Aleppo in the “Regime of Calm”, which have covered Damascus and Latakia. Unfortunately, today a rebel rocket fire have hit a governmental controlled area of Aleppo killing almost 19 people and plus a hospital was hit killing three people and 17 people were wounded. This was a consequence of when the government forces send an air strike that hit a hospital in a rebel-held area killing 55 people.

Mr. Kerry is hopeful that the violence will end and peace can be restored and he actually warned President Assad that his actions might lead to more violence and might cause to a total destruction to the ceasefire and might lead to war again. If president Assad thinks that he can take Aleppo easily than he’s wrong and he will make the situation worse and as long he is the president then the Rebels won’t stop fighting.

President Bashar Alassad strategy is to gain control of the whole country again and Aleppo was part of his plan, which he stated on February. In addition, Russia and Syria have planned to target hospitals and other medical facility so they can have an easy way to invade the area with it’s ground forces. War might still continue because Russia stated on March that it would withdraw their army from Syria, but they remain in place. The specially want to control Aleppo because of it’s economic, military and symbolic importance to all parties. The UN Security Council Ban Ki moon is trying to pass a resolution, which demands the protection of hospital and other medical facilities, because there’s no justification for the attacks and it will lead to a humanitarian disaster.





The Future of European Security


This passed November Paris was an unfortunate victim of the most devastating terrorist attacks it has faced since WWII. This could not have come at a worse time since the tensions and ideas in regards to the migration crisis kept escalating. Now once more we see another devastating attack in Belgium, most likely from an ISIS cell as well. Given these devastating attacks, many now are curious to see how the Eurozone will adapt and change since it was hit last November and March. Security and migration are the big topics that have brewed out of these horrific acts of violence. Does Europe bend its’ knee to the terrorist plot by refortifying borders and reforming immigration laws? Or do they remain strong in their faith in values like freedom and equal liberty? Also, many scholars and journalist like Emma Graham-Harrison wonder if, “ these attacks are a sign of weakness, or strength for ISIS?”

Many North Eastern nations in Europe are starting to become radically right wing as a response to these attacks, combined with the large influx of migrants coming in. However, this is not a direct correlation, since countries like Sweden were already losing seats in the Parliament to a Neo-Nazi Fascist party. Similar election trends can be seen across the EU and the the rest of the “West”.(for example Germany’s NPD, or even in America in regards to the support for Trump). Along with moderate conservatives, these radicaly right parties are trying to close their borders and beef up their immigration laws. While others like President Hollande take a more mature approach by declaring a war on terror without affecting the borders in regards to migrants. Professor Rik Coolsaet says, ““With every plot, the same is always true, the biggest danger is one we are creating ourselves – the polarization of society and deepening of animosity against migrant communities”

Though there is much strife in the Eurozone, teamwork seems to showing up as well. The countries who were hit the hardest (Belgium and France) are now working together and putting together all resources in order to prevent things like these from happening again. One of the suspected leaders of the Paris attacks who was believed to be in Belgium has been captured by Belgium Officials and have agreed to extradite him to France. French Justice Minister Jean-Jacques Urvoas told reporters, “A dedicated surveillance team of skilled agents, trained for detention of dangerous individuals, will be in charge of him”. With cooperation like this, along with better management of migrants, Europe can better manage their problem with terror.








How a Former Neo-Nazi Party Became Sweden’s Third-Largest



Mexican Justice System = Organized Crime?

Recently, Veracruz, Mexico has become synonymous with words like corruption and fear instead of being recognized as the festive port it once was renowned as. There is a deep polarity between the wealthy elite and the rest of the marginalized underprivileged citizens. That wealthy elite has gained the notoriety of being untouchable due to the widespread corruption that has run rampant in the state’s justice system. The police have gained the reputation of protecting the wealthy while disregarding the poor. Leon Krauze of the New Yorker writes, “Mexico has a deeply flawed judicial system, and its flaws become most apparent when cases are brought against the powerful and the wealthy.” Daphne Fernandez has become a rare exception to the corruption in the Veracruz justice department, but as one can imagine her path to being an exception did not come easily.

In early January 2015, Daphne went out with her classmates to a local club. As the night was coming to a close, Daphne was waiting outside the club for her friend to pick her up. According to her father, Javier Fernandez, a black Mercedes then pulled up to Daphne and forced her in the car. While Daphne was in the car she recognized three of her former school mates, Jorge Cotaita Cabrales, Gerardo Rodríguez Acosta and Diego Cruz Alonso. The driver of the Mercedes was Enrique Capitaine Marin. According to Daphne, she was not only sexually assaulted by Cotaita and Cruz in the car, but she was raped by Capitaine when they arrived at his house.

After months of silence, Daphne could no longer take the pain and confided the sexual assault to family members. Javier decided to take action but not the way we as Americans would assume. Initially, Javier refused to go the police. In an interview, Fernandez told Krauze, “In Mexico, the last thing the system of justice provides is justice. I just didn’t trust the authorities.” That distrust towards the Mexican justice system would prove to be valid. After secretly recording the Daphne’s alleged assaulters apologizing for their actions towards Daphne, Javier went to the authorities. However, even with this evidence, months went by with no action. Fed up with the justice system, Javier went to the local media to gain attention. The story caught fire, and became global news.

In Veracruz, the members of the police force are no less criminals than the members of the Zeta cartel that of which control the port city. The Veracruz justice system’s actions, or better put, inaction, is consistent with that of an organized crime group. The police department is a structured group, which has existed for a period of time, and has acted in concert while committing crimes with the primary motivation of financial and/or material gain. Police turning a blind eye to crime in exchange for monetary gain provided by the city’s elite is a crime within of itself. The Mexican populous know how corrupt the police are, so much so that only 20% of sexual assaults are even reported to authorities (CNN Mexico). Krauze writes, “When asked to explain their reluctance to go to the police, a majority of crime victims say that they don’t want to “waste their time” with an untrustworthy, corrupt system.”










Another Potential Victory for ISIS


Aimen Dean, a former member of al-Qaeda, now advises both public and private entities on terrorism. Having bounced from fighting in Bosnia to the US embassy bombing in Kenya, Dean understands the evolution of modern jihad. Disillusioned with the disregard for civilian casualties, he transformed into a counter-terrorism advisor. Dean recently sat down with Time and disgusted the UK and Continental Europe from the view point of ISIS. He is quoted saying, “the recent attacks in Brussels and Paris are also part of a strategy to destroy non-Islamic institutions and states and provoke conflict between Muslim and non-Muslims.” Essentially ISIS wants to create division in Europe and a current UK referendum may be only adding fuel to the fire. 

In the next coming months, the United Kingdom may vote, through referendum, to leave the European Union, something that could be very costly. The UK leaving the EU would be a huge loss to the community as the UK is an economic powerhouse. This would greatly cripple the institution and diminish a portion of its legitimacy. Dean thinks that ISIS  would take credit for being a catalyst for the split. Its influence and secrecy is rising tensions in Europe and this split would weaken the continent. 

Dean believes that if the UK leaves the EU it will be playing right into ISIS’s hand. They want to cripple Europe and create division so that they are more vulnerable for attack. Thus far, western attempts to combat ISIS have been ineffective. There is a fundamental issue at the grass roots level. Leaders can be killed, but there is just more and more “common” people joining because of the notoriety and success at dividing the west. 





Thousands of refugees forced to flee for Turkish border after surprise Isis attack

Refugees have fled northern Syria for the Turkish border after Islamic State opened fire on communities that had sheltered them, killing at least three people and uprooting thousands more. The killings came as the terror group pushed back Syrian opposition forces who were within five miles of Dabiq, a highly symbolic village that the group’s leaders believe is the preordained epicenter of a clash that will herald an apocalyptic shutdown. Units linked to the Free Syria Army, which led the offensive, said they never intended to seize the village, and were intending to push further across the north towards the town of Minbij, which lies between ISIS’s two largest hubs in the area, al-Bab and Raqqa.

Up to 10 camps for internally displaced people were overrun by Isis on April 14th. The Syrian camps were abandoned, with 5,000 people heading towards the main Turkish border near Azaz, which has been closed for most of the year. Azaz is already home to up to 30,000 refugees from earlier in the year, and Turkish officials have insisted they will continue to refuse permission to cross to all but urgent medical cases and essential family visits.

The Isis gains come as peace talks between the opposition and Syrian regime continue to grind on in Geneva. The same day of the surprise ISIS attack on Syrian camps, President Obama warned US effort in Syria and Iraq has caused Isis recruits to head to Libya. Obama insisted the US and its allies would still defeat Isis and focused mainly on signs of progress in Syria and Iraq, where he said the group had lost 28,000 sq miles of territory after 11,500 allied airstrikes that helped local partners push it back.







Former President Accused of Money Laundering

Argentine Prosecutor, Guillermo Marijuan, has requested for an investigation of Argentina’s former President Cristina Kirchner due to her connections with a money laundering scandal. The scandal was exposed with the release of the Panama Papers, which linked Kirchner and her business partner Lázaro Báez to the shell companies in Nevada. The recent investigations not only link Cristina Kirchner and her late husband to international money laundering activities but also explain the multi-million dollar fortune that the Kirchner’s gained during their administrations.

On April 5, judge Sebastián Casanello ordered for the immediate detainment of Baéz due to the fact that he possessed the means to flee the country. According to the Santiago Pérez and Alberto Messer of The Wall Street JournalLázaro Báez is the leader of one of the top construction firms in Argentina and a partner of hotel and property business of Cristina Kirchner and her late husband. Their partnership allowed Báez to win a number of state contracts for works during both of the Kirchner’s presidencies.

Zachary Volkert of the Inquisitr explains that the damning testimony of Leonardo Fariña has allowed Kirchner to be formally accused and summoned to testify in court. During her administration, she has been suspected of crimes like money laundering and her involvement in the mysterious death of Alberto Nissman  but sufficient evidence was not found.  One of the key claims in the case is that there has been millions of government funds that have been laundered into Báez and Kirchner’s “construction projects.” Another significant piece of information that Fariña confessed was that Báez had the transferred $5 million to a tax haven in Switzerland. According to The New York Times, accusations of the Kirchner administrations ties to money laundering started as early as 2013 when a journalist reported her ties to construction tycoon, Lázaro Báez.


Image from The New York Times of the new President of Argentina Mauricio Macri elected in November 2015 

One of the main questions that remains is, “Where does Argentinean politics go from here?” The view of the government by the Argentine people has been extremely tainted due to scandals and corruption of the Kirchner administration. Also, the new progressive president, Mauricio Macri, was accused of involvement with foreign companies who were linked to money laundering. Some Argentines may view the accusation of Kirchner and detainment of Báez as an example of justice in the historically corrupt administration. Also, it can be viewed as a sign of hope that politically corrupt officials can no longer control the judicial and legal system under the new administration. Still, it is important to note that money laundering is a serious issue in South America and many government officials are using government funds to build fortunes. Nevertheless, this is not the first time the former president has been able to slither out of criminal accusations and fraud. Only time will tell if the new policies of the Macri administration hold some actual teeth to combat transnational crime and its links to the highest levels of government.






Calexico, California


Calexico, California is a city bordering the Mexican capital of Mexicali, Baja California. According to the 2010 Census, its population was about 39,000. Furthermore, the demographic makeup of the city is about 96% Hispanic or Latino.

Alluding to its demographic undertone, Calexico is home to a Mexican consulate that provides assistance, aid, and fosters bilateral growth along the U.S-Mexico border, Mexico’s chief diplomat, my father, Carlos Flores Vizcarra heads the Mexican Consulate.


Giving salience to our class, transnational crime and terror, understanding the problems of international crime in the era of globalization, the unearthing of a 415-year passageway for drugs was discovered. A house was purchased and built for the sole purpose to disguise the drug tunnel. The tunnel ran from a restaurant in Mexicali to a house in Calexico, California. This tunnel totals to 12 tunnels discovered along the MEX/CA border since 2006.


The owner of the house – Agustin Enrique Cruz—was arrested for drug trafficking charges and money laundering. Cruz is subject to the following charges: conspiracy to import controlled substances; conspiracy to maintain drug-related premises; money laundering; and aiding in the construction and use of a narcotics tunnel.

Cruz dug a hole in the house to serve as the gateway for the drug transportation.

The house and tunnel were constructed under the watchful eye of law enforcement,’ said Laura Duffy, U.S Attorney for Southern California. “For the builders, the financiers, there is no light at the end of the tunnel. We will seize your drugs and your tunnel before you even have a chance to use it.” Moreover, Prosecutors say the first tunnel shipment occurred Feb. 28, leading to the seizure of 1,350 pounds of marijuana in West Covina, Los Angeles area.










Nuclear Security Summit

Ending this past week the United States sat with 50 other countries in order to discuss the issue of nuclear power at a summit. Two of the countries that the United States wanted to see at the summit were china and Russia Since they are seen as the two growing powers in the nuclear community. Although China did attend, Russia opted out of the conference leaving the other countries doubting were Russia stands since “Russia’s deteriorating economy corruption and organized crime are endemic which leads to fears of nuclear materials smuggling” (Forbes). Which leads to events like Brussels or the obtainment of nuclear weapons to North Korea as well as other terrorist crimes around the world. The summit was to help the reduction of nuclear weapons and the distribution of them to people that might commit these crimes. To help with this they made amendments to the Nuclear Protection Treaty. Although China did attend the summit, and did commit to the cause they are also trying to expand their nuclear plants in China. They plan “ to spend over a trillion dollars to become the world’s largest producer of nuclear power. They will build 40 new reactors by 2020, another hundred by 2030, and over 200 additional reactors by 2050.” (Forbes). This would put them as the front-runners in nuclear power. In the end the summit helped the United States pinpoint who is willing to help with the nuclear struggle and the prevention of weapons ending up in the hands of terrorist, while also planning other methods of security and preventions of a nuclear attack.












Suicide Bombers Attack Brussels

On Tuesday March 22nd, suicide bombers conducted an attack on Brussels’ Zaventem airport and Maelbeek metro killing a total of 35 individuals and injuring more than 300 others. Tuesday’s violence came just after investigators began to close in on Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam, who was hiding in a Brussels suburb. Two of the suicide bombers who carried out the attacks have been identified as brothers Khalid and Brahim el-Bakraoui. Two other attackers at the airport have not been identified—one died at the scene and the other is on the run. In the image below, the man in the center has been identified as Brahim el-Bakraoui, while the man on the left is believed to have died at the airport and the man on the right has fled the scene. It is unconfirmed, however the man on the left is believed to be the wanted jihadist Najim Laachraoui. It is also reported that authorities in Belgium and the United State have a list of people that they believe could be the 3rd bomber and they are currently following those leads.


A taxi driver stated that he had picked up the three men from an address in the Schaerbeek area of Brussels. Following this tip, the apartment was raided and highly explosive material was found. Additionally, a note from Brahim el-Bakraoui was found that reads, “I’m in a hurry. I don’t know what to do anymore, they’re looking for me everywhere. I’m not safe anymore. If I give myself up they’ll put me in a cell.”

CNN reports that as of March 28th, there are believed to be at least 8 suspects that authorities are still searching for in connection to the blasts. Police raids have become a daily experience in search for any of the terror suspects.

Many prominent ISIS supporters took to twitter following the attacks, writing celebratory tweets celebrating the blasts and changing their default pictures to images of men stomping on the Belgium flag. Michelle Jesse writes that a widely circulated and disturbing tweet was only 6 words: “What will be coming is worse.” ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks noting that Belgium is one of the nations “participating in the international coalition against the Islamic State.” Even though ISIS has openly stated their responsibility for the attacks, authorities say that it is still too soon to confirm whether they were behind the blasts.







Car Bomb Rocks Turkish Capital, Kills 34.

On March 13, 2016 a huge car bomb rocked Ankara, the Turkish capital. This attack wounded 75 people and killed at least 34, with many victims still in critical condition. There have been no claims of responsibility by any organizations, but it is currently suspected that the attack was orchestrated by members of the PKK. The PKK, otherwise known as the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, is a Kurdish separatist group that has been fighting for autonomy in Turkey for over 30 years. Tensions between the Turkish government and PKK have been escalating ever since a 2 and a half year peace process broke down last July.

This attack comes less than a month after a similar bombing killed 29 people, just blocks away from the location of the most recent attack. Responsibility for this attack was claimed by a PKK offshoot group, lending further credibility to the current PKK suspicions. According to Suzan Fraser, “More than 200 people have died in five suicide bombings in Turkey since July that were blamed either on the Kurdish rebels or [Islamic State].” This is in addition to the more than 340 Turkish military members and 300 Kurdish militants killed since last July. This emerging pattern of violence draws great attention to Turkey’s complex role in the Middle East as it works to oppose the Syrian government, battle the Islamic State, and quell Kurdish dissent within its own borders.

In response to the most recent attack, the Turkish government carried out a series of airstrikes on strategic PKK militant positions throughout northern Iraq. The government also arrested over a dozen suspects in the ongoing investigation of the attack, including family members of the suspected perpetrators and several car salesmen suspected of selling the car used in the bombing.




